Every day is a good day to celebrate the amazing women's Day in our lives but today,
The International Women's Day gives us an extra reason to do just that.
Where there is a women there is magic,
A beautiful women draws strengh from troubles, smile during distress and grows stronger with faith.
We need to raise awareness about women's equality, the working condictios need to be equal. Women are paid on average 24 % less than men.
Many thing has been achieved, the journey is long and a lot more need to be done.
We celebrate women's achievements and call to accion for celebrating gender parity.
My name is Mercedes Avila Caballero and I am the founder of
Flamenco Joy is an education movement that support children and communities
through charity projects, teaching programs, dancing, events and storytelling.
Soon, I will open online shops and donate 10% of my profict the the Believe In You Charity.
I invite you to do the same. A better world is possible and working together we can make a big difference.
Be brave, find your purpose in life, focus on good things, help others and create the life you deserve.
I changed my life sixteen years ago, and I can garantee that everything is possible.
We Are One. Big Ole & Happy Women's Day!
Muchas Gracias,